So, I recently discovered about a month ago that two vertebrae in my lower spine are compressed together (shown in the x-ray, vertebrae L4 and L5). Because of this, I could barely lift my left leg off the ground, it hurt on my upper/outer butt area. It was ok if I bent my knee, but I can not lift my leg when it is straight. Walking too much hurts extremely bad and so does sleeping(when I readjust). I started going to the chiropractor about a month ago and he said that my spine is probably pinching nerves on my left side. I ve been going there twice a week for a month and a half but some new problems showed up. About a week ago, my same left leg started to fall asleep. This happens everyday now constantly coming on and off throughout the day. The numbness/ pins and needles go from my upper left butt all the way down my leg and to my foot. I have no idea what is going on and I would appreciate anyone s help!