I am 65 year male and have been experiencing weakness in my legs and bouts of dizziness from time to time. An ENT specialist saw no issues and referred me to a neurologist. CT scan conducted on my brain indicated “No major territory infarct, large gliotic area, mass, hydrocephalus or surface collection seen. Ill defined, small hypo densities noted in bilateral, lentiform nuclei, insular cortices, right internal capsule and the right centrum semiovale/corona radiata. Streak artifacts at the skull base are seen to obscure the brainstem making comments on hypodensities in the brainstem difficult.” The neurologist suggested that my symptoms were early sign of neurological disease which could possibly turn into Parkinson. The doctor put me on Ammantrel 100 mg. After taking the medication my symptoms have not improved, in fact they have become more frequent. Any suggestions as to why I am experiencing this. Additionally, I had an asthma attack about four months ago and started experiencing weakness in legs and dizziness once I recovered. Beside regular asthma medication I was also placed on Pregablin.