I had Lumbar spinal Fusion on 10/11/2016. I am now having alot of pain. Recommended procedure consider too dangerous??

Hi, I am a female 53 yrs young. I had Lumbar spinal Fusion on 10/11/2016. I am now having alot of pain ( ## 8 ) all day and night since the surgery from a ball of fluid in my left abdomen. My surgery was Anterior on 10/07 then my back on the 11th, 2016. this pain started from the time of surgery. I was readmitted to hospital on 10/30/2016 for 3 days when they were planning on doing a PROCEDURE to release the fluid but then sent me home because they said it might be too dangerous to do this PROCEDURE. Well I have heard nothing from the surgeons since then but still have Extreme pain in the same area plus every morning the pain goes down my left leg for the first few hours I am awake. I am miserable all through the night Every single night and I wake up crying. can you please tell me what this could be? Thank-you

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