Question: Face filled with small black head, white filled zits , oily filled zits, sometimes yellowish…tried everything

I’m a 24 years old female. The oily business first began during my last pregnancy. Since late July my hair started becoming so oily it broke my face out. Never have I had black heads or oil zits. My hair has always been described as the prefect hair and I never blow dry it. Since Aug. my hair would get the oily grease look less than 12 hrs since last wash. Now my face stays broke out with small black head, white filled zits that look like bumps, oily filled zits, sometimes yellowish pimples. This covers my scalp line, forehead, nose, and chin the most and a scattered few on my cheeks and side of my face.

For my hair I’ve tried different shampoos, cold showers, rinsing my hair back to front, no condisher, baking soda in a paste with water, blow drying, hair products, baby powder, corn starch, brushing once, and keeping my hands out of it. Most recent I mixed Epsom salt with my shampoo and washed twice getting my scalp good rinse with cold water. That alone didn’t work after a week so I continued that and a pea size amount of conditioner rinse with vinegar. Now I can got 24 hours before the oil starts to return.

For my face I’ve tried different face washes, eggs Mask, and the clear peel mask. I wash my face 3/4 times a day. Not touching my face, ice cubes, no make up, and honey mask. Nothing works. I drink a cup of coffee, tea, and lots of water. My meals haven’t change menu. I cook everything I out we don’t do fast food but maybe once a month. I don’t drink or smoke either. It’s also not hormone or stress related cause nothing has changed in those departments either.

Medical history:
Two pregnancies Jan/2009 & Sept/2014
Tubal legation Nov/2014

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