I have staphylococcus epidermidis bladder infection?

I have staphylococcus epidermidis bladder infection. Hve taken antibiotic 10 days amoxicilin clavulanate. Infection continues. Hve kidney problems (1 kidney) so am very worried especially because I don´t know where I got this. Doctar says its a skin bactéria….how did I get bladder infection then? Also I was nowhere close to a hospital where apparently one also gets it….no one seems to give me an answer so I won’t know how to prevent it again. Have had other infections quite regularly since my ureter operation 10 years ago (endometrioses blockage) but always knew where from. Also what antibiotic is the most effective’ I am allergic to Bactrim.
Please help…I am 49 female

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