I went to ER, strep test was negative but doctor said it must be strep?


I am 21-year-old female. I am pretty healthy and have an average weight. I had a sore throat for two days and it is extremely hard to swallow due to swelling to the point I can barely eat solid food. It is not scratchy, and I do not have a cough or fever.

I went to the urgent care, strep was negative but the doctor said it must be strep and would not listen to any of my symptoms. He spent about 30 seconds with me and is treating me with Biaxin. Pain is killing me, and my stomach is having a hard time with these antibiotics even with food. I am attaching a photo.


From the picture we received, you seem to be suffering from acute follicular tonsillitis. Usually, this is caused by strep, other bacteria responsible for this condition are Hemophilus and Moraxella. A course of antibiotic at this stage helps in early recovery. As you have been started on macrolide antibiotic, I believe it is the best course of action at this stage – you need to follow the whole course for it to be effective.

Antibiotics are known to cause gastric upset, which usually disappears once the course stops. If this is too difficult to endure ask your Doctor for  Zantac (Ranitidine) 150 mg and take before food twice daily and use warm salt water gargles at least three times a day. If situation continues, please follow up with your Doctor after seven days.
