My mother is 74 years old. She says she has hallucinations. She wants to go to the doctor every day. She says she has severe pain in her right side. She was diagnosed with pre-dementia and Alzheimers prior to my Dad’s passing last year. She says she sees dead people and angels. We took her to a Geriatric Specialist. He ran every test imaginable. He said she does not have Alzheimers and she is healthy as she can be. He placed her on a regimen of vitamins and she did well for a while. Now, she has gone to many different doctors (I was unaware) and is taking lots of medications. So, I begin looking into what she has been taking medicinally. She is currently taking promethazine, amitriptyline, estradiol, omeprazole, butalbital, sertraline and donepezil. What are the dangers of taking all of these medications together? Would this be why she is feeling this pains she talks about in her side? I do not know exactly what to do at this juncture. Now that I know she is taking all of these medications, what is my best course of action?