I sprained my ankle really bad I have partial tears of ligaments – need second opinion?

I sprained my ankle really bad 2 months ago! I got an X-ray but the X-ray was okay. The swelling didn’t go even after two weeks so my doctor suggested getting no an mri. The Mri repost said I have partial tears of the anterior talofibular and calceneofibular ligaments!

Other findings are-
Marrow edema involving the lateral talar dome, portion of the medial malleolus and small portion of the cuboid presumably representing intraosseous contusions.

I don’t understand the above and I’m really freaking out! My podiatrist has given me naproxen and asked me to make alphabets with my foot everyday for a month. But I want to know it is really unusual to have the selling even after two months. I can walk easily I have no pain. But pain is get in mornings when I wake up. Plz let me know if I should get a second option from another podiatrist?

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