Hello, about a year and a half ago, I started having a burning, uncomfortable pain in my right flank area, if i stood, it would be right at about where my elbow would fall on my side. Close to bottom of those ribs. It would come and go. Went to two doctors, both thought muscoskeletal. Put on Mobic. Didn’t help. Doctor then ordered ultrasound of upper right quadrant, and called only to tell me everything looked good, but had mild fatty liver, but not fatty liver disease. Also that I had gallstones. They then ordered Chest Xray (to see ribs) Everything looked good. I took it upon myself to see a gallbladder surgeon (doctor said it was up to me if I wanted to remove gallbladder) That was about 9 months ago. The pain went away, so I chose not to. Now, it seems every few months, it “flares” up. My question is, I want to be confident that it is nothing bad. The doctor seemed to make me feel like, if my gallstones were the problem I would be throwing up and have pain closer to middle of body, not only on the side. Do gallstones cause cancer? Should I have it removed? Can gallstones, cause pain in the right flank (toward side)? Thank you for any help and advice. I’m just scared.