Question: Ultra sound shows hodgkin’s lymphoma…is it true?

I went to my GP a week ago and he found a lump in my throat, I was sent for a Ultra sound and they found a 1.7Cm X 1.2Cm speculated mass just below the anterior belly of the digastric muscle, I have been sent for a FNA biopsy and blood test the blood test are showing a ESR of 29 and a C-reactive protein of 17. But still awaiting the results for the FNA, My GP advised that he suspects hodgkin’s lymphoma.

I am just wondering if there is any way it cant be?

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6:43 am

hodgkins lymphoma is just one possibility. but such lesions can be caused by various other benign causes.
hhistopathology will confirm it though, but personally, i dont feel this to be an hodgkins. seems to be a lymph node infection.
