Question: Popped knee 7 years ago, got worse , how to reduce swelling and pain

Hi, I popped my knee cap outwards about 7 years ago and hit it back in and never went to a dr but its been tender from then till now and around 3 weeks ago a dog jumped onto a couch i was kneeling on and jumped on the back of my knee. It swelled right away and has gotten worse over the last few weeks. My whole leg is now swollen. I saw a dr 2 weeks ago who gave me tablets to reduce the fluid but its worse. Could you please suggest anything to reduce the swelling and pain?

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5:14 am

it seems that the 7 years old knee injury that you had has not healed completely till date. it may have been a ligament injury and such injuries, if not treated adequately at that stage, will give lifelong problems.
the knee seems to have accumulated fluid now-effusion.
it will go away by leg elevation, compression bandage, analgesics,fibrinolytic and anti inflammatory tablets. local gels with hot fomentation will help.

even if it heals, i suggest you should get an mri of knee done to prevent any further damage .

Ayman Darrag
11:28 am

Hi Dear…
you can reduce the swelling by using Ice application for 3-4 days and you can try Iontophoresis or phonophoresis (techniques in Physiotherapy used to introduce anti inflammatory ointments into the joint)…this May help..
but you should do a MRI for your knee so u can figure out what exactly is causing your knee swelling..
Get well soon