Urgency in urination now with blood

For past some time I have been noticing urgency in urination and sometimes to the level of unrest, for not being be close to a washroom. I did ignore it as I consume lot of water and gradually I scaled down the quantity of water intake. However, for past some days I observe strange smell (resembling odour of semen after and during the urination. I did not pay proper attention to this issue except discussing the matter with my physician who just brushed it a normal thing. However, today I feel body ache, with mild temperatures and the urine is coming out in very small quantity but the frequency is more. There is penile pain during the urination which continues for a shortwhile after the urination. One hour past, I felt the change in colour of my urine and I feel as if the blood is coming out with the urine for the colour of urine got changed. kindly advise as to what should I do on priority basis. Is there any reason to worry beyond reason?

I have not any significant medical history and got my body profile examined in July the reports of which do not suggest anything.
I did take a DoLo-650 tablet today morning, to address my fever issue.

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11:26 am

this seems to be either urinary tract infection or a urinary calculus may have passed out causing urethral injury.

take anti inflammatory tablets ,if it doesnt help, get urine checked and usg abdomen done.
u can start antibiotics, if urinary infection is confirmed.