I have been taking synthroid for at least 10 years, now want to get pregnant?

I’m a 31 year old female who has been taking synthroid for at least 10 years and who also wishes to get pregnant in the coming months. I stopped birth control in December. Had a normal period in January and February. In February my synthroid dose was changed from 50 mcg to 25 mcg grams because it tested below normal range. I have not had a period in over 60 days. Could my synthroid change have stopped my periods? Will going back on the old dosage bring them back? Time is of the essence in this matter. Recent lab works shows my TSH levels back within normal range.

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Ayman Darrag
6:41 pm

Well, it is common to get this after changing the dose as your body tries to adjust for the new dose, Dont worry and it will get back to normal ..
Do not increase your dose as your tsh is better now..

Ahmed Fawzy
10:52 pm

Your body is adjusting to the new dose
I do not see a reason to return to the old dose without your doctor permission
Good Luck

3:37 am

synthroid actually has no direct effects on periods,but can affect if it has been taken for 10 long years.
you can get blood oestrogen and progesterone levels checked to confirm.
consult a gynecologist.

Masr Fawzy
8:11 am

Have u checked for pregancy ???

May be u r pregnant
Do the test please , who knows

Dr.Honey Arora
11:36 am

It is a good sign that your thyroid levels are normal..

If periods are due take a urine pregnancy test at home and if positive consult a Gynaecologist and get a TRANSVAGINAL ULTRASOUND AND BLOOD TEST DONE FOR CONFIRMATION…

Hope this helps..