I have a knee replacement, my left leg is swollen just above the knee to the foot?

I am a 66 yr. old woman. My left leg is swollen just above the knee to the foot. It is almost 3 times the size of the right leg. It is very red, hot to the touch. I have a knee replacement almost 3 yrs. old. Do I need to see a doctor. I have been off it a good bit but resting and elevating it has not helped.

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Ahmed Fawzy
10:43 pm

Yes you need to see a doctor as soon as possible , do you feel pain with or without weight bearing?

Dr.Honey Arora
5:32 am

Yes you need to see a doctor as it is appearing like Infection causing Cellulitis..
It can further spread so better to get it treated as early as possible..

Hope this helps

Ayman Darrag
7:30 am

That could be a problem with the joint itself that needs immediate medical attention.
Signs of severe inflammation or infection needs to be investigated and examined.

Masr Fawzy
3:35 pm


This is a medical emergency

Go to the ER right away