I have a left fibia weber b fracture?

I have a left fibia weber b fracture. Post op of four weeks for plates so still non-weight bearing. I can stand /sit down nwb. Sometimes I may have to rest on the floor of a taxi or when sitting on the toilet. I am very anxious post op about not causing any injury. I have not felt pain or swelling since returning home post op. Apart from the 1st couple of day post surgery.I am just seeking re assurance and browsing the web does not help.

Age: 45
Medications: N/A
General Information: I am not experiencing pain or swelling since it recovered post surgery.

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Dr. Javez Ernesto
5:44 pm

Based on your info, you seem to be doing fine. Recovery from a weber B fracture takes time, patience and effort. If you are not experiencing pain or swelling, that is an excellent sign. Follow post op directives and weight bearing directives. Consult if you experience any new, unusual symptoms or pain.

Dr.Honey Arora
8:19 am

As you do not have any pain or swelling it is an indication that you are healing well and you are simply being more cautious and anxious.
You need not to worry as I do not think there is any problem at all.
You should continue to follow up with your Surgeon and gradually start weight bearing as and when advised to you..
Just be careful of not causing any injury or undue exertion otherwise you need not to get anxious..

Hope this helps..
