Question: For the past week now my heart has been pounding really non stop

For the past week now my heart has been pounding really non stop. I can’t even sleep with it like this. I have been getting like little short pains in (my left side) of my chest, arm, leg and foot. I’m also have been feeling my arm and leg get more tingling feeling in them. Also I’ve been getting dizzy whenever I’m up or even laying down. I’m terrified. This doesn’t feel normal. I had Kawasaki disease (don’t know how to spell it) when I was little (around five) and I had to have a lab made plasma for that but they did save me and said I should be ok.
I don’t know if this has to do with what’s going on or not.
I did get my heart to slow a little bit last night but then woke up with it pounding where I thought it would pound out of my chest or something
My mom thinks its all in my head. Its not. This is very terrifying for me ):
Hope someone can help

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5:39 am

i understand your concern and i trust you that you are not doing all this purposefully.

to be sure, what we can do is get a ecg and 2 D echo done to see if anything is wrong with your heart.

this will clear off all the doubts in our minds and if there is something , we can treat it appropriately.

10:34 am

the condition described cant be there is continuous symptoms as well as you have a history of kawasaki disease which can result in cardiac sequelae…but diagnosis cant be decided just from the symptoms of palpitation and slight you should consult a doctor,preferably a cardiologist as early as possible and take the necessary investigations and confirm the diagnosis provided,can it be a rhythm disorder or a structural disease sequelae….please consult as early as possible as you feel dizzy too…and let me know the investigation results

11:02 am

the condition described cant be there is continuous symptoms as well as you have a history of kawasaki disease which can result in cardiac sequelae…but diagnosis cant be decided just from the symptoms of palpitation and slight you should consult a doctor,preferably a cardiologist as early as possible and take the necessary investigations and confirm the diagnosis provided,can it be a rhythm disorder or a structural disease sequelae….please consult as early as possible as you feel dizzy too…and let me know the investigation results

Scott Rebich
12:20 pm

What you are feeling is called palpations – they are the feelings of having rapid, fluttering or pounding heart. Heart palpitations can be triggered by stress, exercise, medication or, rarely, a medical condition. In your case, your palpations can be caused by something more serious such as an arrhythmia, but stress, anxiety, some medications, and overactive thyroid can cause palpations. Generally speaking, most kids with Kawasaki disease make a full recovery with treatment when the disease is found early; however, you should still be screened by a cardiology every year because the risk of complications is still present. It sounds… Read more »