Question: I am experiencing chest discomfort

Hello, I am 26 years old and I am experiencing chest discomfort. First and foremost, I am very aware of my own heartbeat. I can feel it thumping in my chest. Occasionally, I feel a sharp pain in the left part of my breast bone, and some burning pain in my left arm. I am not having a hard time breathing, however, sometimes when I take a deep breathe, I feel a sharp pain as well. Sometimes this pain radiates to my back. Sometimes, I will feel air move so I will make myself belch in order to relieve some pressure. I have been feeling like this the past few nights and I am wondering if I should be concerned. During the day, though I am still aware of my heart palpitating, I do not experience discomfort. It is mostly in the evenings when I am resting. Is there cause for concern?

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Dr. B. Lewis
2:25 pm

Could be a number of causes. Some not serious, some serious. But any chest pain that radiates down to the left arm or back requires immediate medical attention.

5:13 am

get ecg and neck xray done.
may be due to cardiac or nerve compression cause.