I am extremely weak and I am losing pounds almost by the day?

I am a 60 year old woman who has had a great amount of weight loss in the last 7 – 8 weeks I asked my doctor to run blood tests for cancer because t runs in my family it runs in mt family He said he didn’t think it was necessary and blew me off I am extremely weak and I am losing pounds almost by the day what kind of tests should my primary care doctor be running ?

Age: 60
Medications: clonapem norvasc cymbalta aspirin

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Dr. Deepak Patel

Hello. A number of tests may be required such as CBC (complete blood count). TSH. Liver function tests. serum albumin, serum glucose, urinalysis, renal function, stool test. But to begin with, just a CBC, TSH and LFTs would be a good start. Regards