I have a muscle biopsy result that confirms a mild myopathic process, please advise?

I have a muscle biopsy result that confirms a mild myopathic process. Noninflammatory and not mitochondria related. It says no groupings, no increased nuclei , no moth eaten fibers, occasional atrophic fibers . No degenerating or regenerating fibers seen. How can there be atrophic fibers but no regeneration at all? How would these fibers correct themselves? The results also unclear with any diagnostic myopathy



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Ahmed Fawzy
7:09 pm

This sounds like either myotonic or distal muscle atrophy, you will need genetic testing to understand which one, atrophy means muscle fibers are getting thinner, no degenerative changes means fibers are still there, no regeneration can happen as long as there is no degeneration as muscle tend to replace dead fibers not make new cells to help the weak ones, some treatments can delay the muscle atrophy like L-carnitine, however understanding the type of atrophy will help me tell you exactly what to do and what to expect
Good Luck

8:29 pm

Dr Ahmed, I am the original poster. Emg is clean. Ck levels normal and genetic testing is negative. Fibers were rounded contour and the results said they were inconclusive of fiber types seen in muscular dystrophy.

Dr.Honey Arora
11:37 am

Can you please explain the exact clinical symptoms that you are facing that has led to undergo investigations?
Also can you please upload your reports for better understanding of your condition..


Ahmed Fawzy
11:55 am

If genetic testing is clean then you can look for more generalized causes, like glucose levels, Thyroid levels, diet, you may simply need to do daily exercise .
By the way your muscle fibers changes can be normal at average age of 45

12:23 pm

I have atrophy in forearms, triceps, abdomen, sternum costal muscles, thighs, weakness in neck and upper back. I don’t have any files but the muscle biopsy which says what I posted above. Again, emg is clean and no ck levels were high. Ana levels are normal . Lyme negative and no auto immune. I have acid reflux , muscle pain, spasms. My MRI of brain and spine are clear. Lumbar puncture normal.

12:39 pm

Dr, we have ruled out everything. Glucose is normal, thyroid is normal. I’m only 39 with muscle atrophy all over. My doctors said this is a systemic disease. I have bones showing in all four limbs. This is not age or exercise related. I was a construction worker and athletic trainer when this started. All blood work is clear. I resembled an ALS patient and have to use a walker.

Ahmed Fawzy
1:25 pm

Did you check or Inflammatory myopathy , you are saying CK is normal so we can even role out inflammatory myopathy, ALS need speech problems to suspect it, this leaves us with multiple sclerosis which needs lumber puncture to confirm

Only possibility with your test results is MS

2:33 pm

Dr, I already mentioned I had a lumbar puncture. It was normal. MRI was normal . No nerve issues at all. Emg is clear.