I have a sharp and throbbing pain on the right side of my left toenail?

I have a sharp and throbbing pain on the right side of my left toenail. I don’t know if it’s ingrown or not and this is the first time I’ve felt pain from it. Should I get this fixed by a professional? It only just starting hurting last night and it woke me up from my sleep so I took ibuprofen. Since I just took painkillers last night, I don’t know if it has actually gotten any better or not. I can still feel it if I walk normally, but it feels much better than last night. I tried taking action myself last night and cut down my nail as much as I could on the side where the pain was coming from.

Age: 21
Medications: None
General Information: I’ve had no previous problems with either of my toenails in the past. The skin on the right side of my toenail looks somewhat reddened.

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Dr. Javez Ernesto
4:37 pm

Looks like a minor ingrown toenail. It needs to be cut and the ingrown part completely removed. A podiatrist can do it for you and would probably cut something like this:

Dr.Honey Arora
7:44 am

Hi. Thanks for the query.. You have an ingrown toenail causing swelling of the side of nail causing pain and slight swelling. Ingrown toenail is a condition in which there is overgrowth of the toenails edges towards the soft skin inwards leading to inflammation and severe pain and swelling in the area.. It is generally seen in individuals with bigger toenails as well as it can also occur if you wear tight shoes or you do not trim the nails properly.. You might been advised creams with combination of medications like antibiotic and antifungal creams along with steroid cream to… Read more »