I had some episodes of pressure behind my eyes, sudden tiredness followed by eye twitching and twitching on right side of face?

i am a 49 year old non smoker, thin woman. Recently, I had some episodes of pressure behind my eyes, sudden tiredness followed by eye twitching and twitching on right side of face, This would instantly lead to nausea and feeling the urge to throw up. The symptoms disappeared, but I went on for an MRI w/o contrast. I thought I was just really stressed from work. The MRI results came back today as the following: There is biparietal atrophy and microvascular changes advances for patients age. Other differential considerations could include demyelinating type process, vasculitis or lyme disease.
I had blood work today. I just need some thoughts please. I am lined up for MRI w/ contrast and a neurologist visit. Please help. The internet is terrifying.

Medications: klonopin fioricet
General Information: I am an (—). The doctor is ordering the test, but won’t say much

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Dr. Deepak Patel
11:39 pm

Hello. Brain atrophy and Microvascular changes are quite frequent with age. Your MRI may indicate changes that are not consistent for a 49 year old. Microvascular changes may also be a glitch on the MRI. At this point nothing is really evident from your MRI and a number of problems can be the cause of your symptoms. Of course something is causing your pressure and twitching. Correct diagnosis and treatment will help prevent recurrence. It may be an eye problem, neurological or inflammation problem. MRI contrast and Blood test will help clarify. MRI needs to be interpreted by a Neurologist.

Dr.Honey Arora
7:52 am

Thanks for the query..

The findings on MRI are appearing to be age related and does not lead to any diagnosis..

So for a proper diagnosis you should consult a Neurophysician and get evaluated.

Twitching of eye and face can be related to nerve related problem.

You should get the blood test and MRI with contrast done and get checked by a Neurologist.

Hope this helps..
