When I urinate not much comes out and it burns a lot?

When I urinate not much comes out and it burns a lot this just started on Monday afternoon I’m a 54 year old male and have never had this problem before although I do have a problem going pee a lo at night and sometimes during the day sometimes it comes urgent

Age: 54
Medications: None

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Dr. Javez Ernesto
11:07 am

Considering your age, sounds like the beginning of an Enlarged Prostate. The burning sensation may be due to a Urinary Tract Infection – UTI. You will need to get your Prostate checked – a Digital Rectal Exam. Also you will need a Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test as well as an Urinalysis to confirm UTI. If UTI confirmed, antibiotics will be prescribed.

Dr.Honey Arora
7:18 am

Thanks for the query..

Considering your age the first thing that can cause reduced urination as well as painful and burning urination can be due to enlarged prostrate gland that can cause pinching of ureters.

Other cause is infection of the urinary tract..

So my suggestion is that you should get a urine culture done followed by physical examination of the prostrate and a Imaging the prostrate like sonogram and PSA test can help in diagnosis..

Hope this helps..
