Hi, I’m a 56 yr old female with a strong family history of diabetes. I am also hypertensive currently on Plendil 5mg.
I am NOT on any medication for diabetes and my glucose levels usually range from 110-160 mg/dl
Recently I have had a series of “boils” that started out as a pimple and got hard and painful in the surrounding area. 3-4 appeared on my pubic area (I thought they were ingrowing hairs??) Then a few weeks later two on my nose (one on each side) which resulted in lymph node swelling on both sides of my neck, now a boil on my right leg. (See attached photo.)
I have no other known medical problems. Had a check up recently because of symptoms associated with an unrelated and unusual condition (Persistent Sexual Arousal Disorder – PSAS) – had a ton of blood work and nothing significant showed up.
I was medically treated in my 20’s for Hyperthyroidism but all of my thyroid function tests have been normal since then.
I had a hysterectomy and removal of tubes and ovaries. Otherwise healthy.
Should I take some antibiotics for my leg? Which one would be best?
Medications: Plendil 5mg

Thanks for the query..
Yes it looks like bacterial infection only and antibiotics can help..
As they are prescription drugs better to consult an Emergency room and get a prescription..
For now apply antibiotic ointment over the bumps and avoid scratching or touching them again and again..
Hope this helps..
It is recommended to use vancomycin antibiotics for 14 days for clearance and use hot compresses on them..
Avoid opening them..
Yes they are bacterial infection, you should get antibiotics, however if you have PSAS You should focus more on your hygiene as PSAS can promote chances of hair follicles infection , I am talking about taking a shower 3 times daily
I should mention that diabetes is a risk factor but personally I do not believe diabetes can be harmful if glucose is below 180
Good Luck