I have stage 4 lung cancer with metastasis in brain and having problems with my vision. I see spots and having problems with speech. Is it the meds? Taking Gefitinib (Iressa) and no longer on chemotherapy.
Age: 65
I have stage 4 lung cancer with metastasis in brain and having problems with my vision. I see spots and having problems with speech. Is it the meds? Taking Gefitinib (Iressa) and no longer on chemotherapy.
Age: 65
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The speech problems you are experiencing are probably due to metastasis which are affecting cranial nerves involved in speech. You need to speak to your Oncology Team for additional scan and possible treatment. Your problem with vision may also be due to cranial nerves. However, Gefitinib side effects includes dry eyes and may be causing your spots. Speak to your Pharmacist about this. You can also try Lubricant Eye Drops.