I need to take a nicotine test for insurance purposes. How long after having stopped smoking can I pass a nicotine test?
Age: 33
Medications: Nicorette
I need to take a nicotine test for insurance purposes. How long after having stopped smoking can I pass a nicotine test?
Age: 33
Medications: Nicorette
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There are different types of tests available. It takes about up to 4 days after stopping smoking for Nicotine and Cotinine to no longer be detectable in urine. In blood, about 3 for nicotine and up to 10 days for Continine. Don’t forget that Nicorette also contains nicotine, so you’ll need to take that in consideration if you have these tests. If you are still using a nicotine replacement product you may request that an Anabasine test be done to confirm that no tobacco product is being used.