I suffer from anemia and my Injectafer – ferric carboxymaltose injections are not working?

I suffer from Anemia from mercaptopurine and mesalamine interaction. My lab reports show that my Iron saturation level is normal. But my other iron level is falling. I don’t seem to be improving at all even after receiving an Injectafer – ferric carboxymaltose injections.

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Domina Zluf
12:41 pm

Thanks for your question.

Check your CBC levels, if they remain normal, nothing needs to be done, just keep on monitoring your CBC levels. If your physician recommends to bring your iron levels back to normal so as to reduce or eliminate some symptoms, you may need to reduce the dosage. In some cases, a reduction in dosage is not advisable or possible – if this is the case you will need to continue; the desired result will be obtained but it may take much longer to do so.

Good Luck.