I’ve neck muscles strain that caused a Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ, TMD)?

I’m a 19 years old Female ,I’ve type 1 diabetes for seven years now
For the last year and half I’ve had these terrible headaches almost every day
I get this pulsating feeling in my temple and between my eyes & My whole head throbs .
When it first started I went to an ophthalmologist who told me I’ve migraines but described nothing for it
It got worst & I went to a bunch of doctors
Till I got the final diagnosis that I’ve neck muscles strain that caused a TMJ problem & that maybe my disc has been moved from it’s position or something like that
I did an MRI but it showed that there’s nothing wrong with my jaw.
I ignored the problem for a while
Until last week , beside the usual terrible headache , I’ve got this electrical feeling in the right half of my face
It ran in three places , around my eyebrow and eye , tip of nose and my upper lip , and along my mandible.
I’m not sure what’s the problem anymore , or who should I go to? The pain is becoming unbearable. I’d appreciate the help .

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Ayman Darrag
8:41 pm

Hi and welcome to question doctors.com
This sounds like trigeminal neuralgia symptoms ..
Do you often chew gums ? Your headache may be related to neck muscle spasm yes…but it is not all caused by neck strain .