My 4 week old son fell today from the bed, ER says no CT scan possible, I need your recommendation?

My 4 week old son fell today from the bed while being fed. The height of my bed is roughly 60-70cm… Got a bump on his head exactly on the rear top right side… We took him to the ER where they kept him for observation for 4 hours by only doing physical examination for his body, head and checking his reflex… they ask me to keep an eye if he is vomiting or feeling sleepy etc… As an infant, they are always sleepy, however no vomiting at all… he only cry at the time of eating, but i feel is crying voice is more of pain rather than hunger… The attending told us he wouldn’t do a CT scan if it was his kid… I need your recommendation please… Thanks

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Dr.Honey Arora
8:04 am

Well, MRI is a safer technique and can be done under proper safety measures when it is for infants and many a times sedation might also be needed..
But first of all consult a Neurophysician and get your infant examined to reconfirm that exactly he needs MRI scan or not as there is a possibility that he might have got only minor injuries and no serious trauma..

Hope this helps..

Ayman Darrag
1:10 pm

We are trying to avoid the exposure to any magnetic field or ct scan by keeping an eye on danger symptoms like vomiting, commonly babies at this age do not get harmed from these falls so physical examination is enough if no other symptoms are present ..

Ahmed Fawzy
5:01 pm

CT is high risk I would not take, MRI is safer however I still won t do it because the contrast (dye material) used is even higher risk than CT
So my opinion is stay with just physical examination until you doctor feels that CT or MRI is a must
Good Luck