My 5 month old baby doesn’t reach his development milestones?

My 5 month old baby doesn’t reach His milestones, he seem to have pour eye contact, he haș social smile and laughs but occasionally. I am suspecting him of autism or mental retardation. My question may surprise you: Could he be mentally retarded although he shows signs of intelligence like when I ask him where are the butterflies in His room he turns to look at them? And he does that since he was 4 months old and with some other objects too.

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Ayman Darrag
9:38 pm

Autistic children are more intelligent than other children somehow and may not be mentally retarded.
Start physical therapy as soon as possible to catch the missed milestones.

Ahmed Fawzy
12:14 am

In my opinion it is too early to suggest autism , he has just 1 sign out of 4 that can suggest autism
I recommend you see a pediatric doctor before jumping to conclusions

Good Luck

Masr Fawzy
5:20 am

Do your child a formal ophalmological assessement, ma’am ASAP…

This is number one cause of the delay in fine motor milestones

Waiting for the results

8:20 am

you cannot label a 5 month old kid as having autism or mentally retarded.
wait till he attains 1 year of age.
he may have delayed milestones and happens in a few normal kids as well.