my father is a lung cancer patient nsclc with bone met he was stable after taking 6 cycles of alimta and carboplatin but after ay ear and half we found that he has a recurrent nsclc and he is very weak he is 55 kilos weight what can i do what is your advice?

So sorry to hear about your father..
Well, it is unfortunate to tell that such cases of Non small cell lung cancer with bone metastasis has a poor prognosis..
You should immediately consult an Oncologist and get him evaluated and treatment is commonly a combination of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and oral medication in the form of painkillers and Bisphosphonates..
Hope this helps..
Sorry to hear that,
This is a stage 4 lung cancer , In stage 4 ,chemotherapy is often the recommended course of treatment. Immunotherapies may also be recommended as a secondary approach.
I recommend also sticking to a full vegetarian antioxidant alkaline diet,with some multivitamin supplement powder as ensure powder..
First step is to check if recurrence is in lung only or it did spread else wear then your oncologist can determine the best plan accordingly
Good Luck
there seems to be a recurrence of the malignancy.
you need to get the tumor markers done and a detailed blood check up done.
Consult an oncologist.
Immuno/chemotherapy will help.
High protein diet with multivitamins and calcium supplements will help.