Been having digestive problems for over a year. Constipation or not feeling completely empty after bowel movements?

Been having digestive problems for over a year. Constipation or not feeling completely empty after bowel movements. Food sensitivities to soy wheat and diary. Stomach and guts feel inflamed and sore. Anxious feelings and can’t relax. Headaches and head tension. Lacking mental clarity. Lower back pain upon awakening. Tired and lethargic. Almost depressed like feelings because I never feel good. Have tried enzymes, apple cider vinegar with no improvement. Have tried multiple doctors who want to give me anxiety meds instead of diagnosing.
Age: 35
Medications: None

I have digestion problems, I don’t digest well, stools are dark?

I have anxiety and stress, its only from my digestion problems. I go to the bathroom everyday or other day (small hard or loose) but hasn’t been much and not solid, and very dark. I feel I drink plenty of water and eat really good solid meals, I just need help. I don’t feel like I digest my food well even when I take a HCL supplement/ digestive enzymes and or sweetish bitters. I think I have Small intestine bacteria and h.pylori and a stomach ulcer. I am lost and have no idea what to do or where to go and need help. I’ve tried the natural path and it helps a little but I wonder if there is a more serious problem. So I am reaching out to see if you have any specific test or route you can suggest to help me? I would like to fully evacuate my bowels when I do go to the bathroom and speed up the digestion, I want to feel I digest my food so I can eat more food to gain more weight, I want a good appetite again, I would like to cure the ulcer/ dull stomach pain, I want to see why my stools are dark. I want to make sure I don’t have h.pylori/ sibo bacteria, I want to feel normal and not be so stressed and worried about this.

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