I am a 37 year old women who was diagnosed with Crohn’s in 2008, I have been in “remission” for 5 years. After the birth of my son last December I caught cdiff and after 3 rounds of antibiotics I got a fecal transplant on October 11th. My cdiff has not returned, however I have been having a wide array of new symptoms since the transplant. Everything I eat causes extreme pain in my upper abdomen, extremely watery diarrhea 6+ times a day, constant nausea and vomiting. The nausea has gotten so bad that for the last 4 days I have been unable to keep food down and am only able to take small sips of water. I have lost 10 lbs in the past 7 days, 5 of those over the past 4 days. I have been to the er 3 times, I had a endoscopy and flex sigmoidoscopy on Tuesday and all pathologies came back normal. The only thing that came up is the z line is irregular. All of my labs have looked good as well. I get remicade infused every 8 weeks, I take zofran, phenergan, Prevacid, scopolamine patch, and Benadryl. My question is what do I do? Do I go to the er? I’m miserable, week, tired, I can’t take care of my kid and school has become impossible. Im nervous for the er, as they tend to no really believe me, and only focus on my Crohn’s, despit knowing it is in remission. Thank you in advance for any advise.