I have edema, would a moderate to high level of fitness – decrease or eliminate the leg swelling?

42 y.o. white female. Reasonably active (gardening, regular walks), but not “in shape”. BMI 25.0. BP between 110-120/60-75. HR in the 80ies. Cholesterol 145, triglycerides 40, HDL 57, LDL 75, HbA1C 5.4. All bloodwork WNL except for ApoB of 58 and Lp-PLA2 of 212.27. Conscientious eater – I eat 3-5 cups of fruit/vegs a day, I avoid simple carbs, I eat lean meat. I have started getting edema in my lower legs when I wear socks. I know to limit salt, elevate legs, etc. My question: will getting into “shape” – a moderate to high level of fitness – decrease or eliminate the leg swelling?