Good day my name is (…), I’m 38 years old. Female. I have had 3 C sections. (3 children) and two miscarriages. I have no serious medical history, but I have been struggling with a few things that are getting worse. I have had heart fibrillation for many years. It comes and goes, in the past I would get it maybe three to four times in a year, the last couple of months I have been getting it weekly. A doctor told me that it might be a magnesium deficiency so I started drinking magnesium. It is better but I still get it once or twice a week. I have been struggling with my menstruation as well. Bleeding heavily, bleeding for three weeks on end and then not having my period for more than a month. One doctor said its, diabetes 2 and Pcocs, the other one did a sonar and said I had a growth inside my womb, they did blood test etc… but they couldn’t pick up anything serious. When I went back for a scan they said it’s not a growth but it might be endometriosis. I have been struggling the last two years with joint pain and muscle pain. The last three weeks things have been very bad. I started feeling nausea, I have intense abdominal pain. My abdomen is sensitive and swollen, it’s not just one place but every where, my back, my sides. Going to the bathroom is painful, having sex is painful. I have constant joint and muscle pain, it feels like flu pains. I’ve picked up a lot of weight but struggle to eat cause I want to throw up the whole time. My stomach burns, I feel bad when I don’t eat and I feel terrible when I do eat. I have this disgusting metal taste in my mouth. When I wake up in the mornings my face and eyes are swollen, I cant see through my eyes, my hands, feet and ankles are swollen. I can’t get my shoes on. I am extremely tired and have absolutely no energy. Could you please help me, I don’t know if this is serious. I am currently on no medication. We have a family history of heart disease and diabetes, fibromalgia and arthritis.