3 weeks i went to the doctors as i was having difficulties with my speech and was tested for a stroke. all test came back clear
im also a diabetic and celiac
i stayed in hospital for 5 days under going tests. i had MRI scans and 3 lumba punctures in 1 go
MRI was then diagnosed as MS
after a few days i was terribly sick thinking it was pain through the lumba punctures
while in hospital i was given gluten food and after 3 days of being sick and sugar levels up as high as 18
i was discharged
i have been ill with extreme sickness for 2 weeks not able to keep food and drink down.
doctor then came out and readmitted me to the hospital and was diagnosed with DKA
i was put on drips of glucose insulin salane potasium
i then had a ultra sound scan on my stomach which came back clear..
i was then discharged again
i have currently lost 2 stone in 3 and half weeks extreme sickness and very very weak unable to stand with out help
doctor came today and said it is possible the MS
haven’t an appointment for 3 weeks time with the MS consultant.
Im very scared and worried as im not eating and drinking and deteriorating rapidly
i need urgent help