Hello I am contacting you about my daughter. She turns 14 tomorrow. Long story short, she had blood work 8 months ago, everything normal, except alsosterone (blood) came back at 2.5. Doctor was not concerned. I had labs sent to our family doctor, and he was not concerned. Last week at a routing physical, I asked about this again, they said at my request they would order cbc, panel, functions, cortisol, aldosterone. They instructed her to fast. She had the blood test the next morning at 7:50 am sitting in a chair. Doctor called that all was normal EXCEPT Cortisol 20, aldosterone 2.5. Sent me to pediatric endocrinologist. She was not concerned either. I want to feel at peace, but when I look up these levels online, I see scary diseases and syndromes. Please give me some insight to these levels, are they ok? I am so worried. Thank you.