Painful nodule on bottom of foot , two more now, any type of stretching causes excruciating pain?

I am 38 year old female. Carpal tunnel and trigger finger release surgery. Tubal ligation surgery. No surgery or medications for this issue. A year ago had one painful nodule on bottom of foot show up. Had become larger than a pea. In last two months three more have showed up. One closest to original has converged with it making one very large one. The pain is becoming unbearable. A burning tearing sensations occurs during sleep, sitting and activities. The same sensation has moved into my calf and Achilles tendon on same leg. I took a simple step backwards and felt like something tore. It was very sore for a while and I kept it wrapped. It keeps a constant throbbing or aching feeling. The sensations in the foot and leg are keeping me up at night. It is becoming very painful to walk. Experiencing pain towards joint of big toe. Any type of stretching causes excruciating pain. I am waiting for approval on heath insurance. I have been researching hoping to get a little insight on what might be going on, before I am able to get seen by a doctor.


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