Hi there. I’ve seen various doctors since November 2016 in regard to a ‘severe ear infection’ – as all the doctors have described. I’ve been put on amoxicillin and 3 types of ear drop antibiotics since then. Albeit none of these medications have worked. Some days the pain is so unbearable causing me to hold my ears as tight as I can in an effort to relieve the pain. When the doctors have had a look in my ear, they all have said that my ear canal is very inflamed and swollen – as well as my ear drum. I now feel that the pain is travelling to my jaw and all around my ear – both inside and outside. I cleaned my ears this evening with an ear bud, and when I pressed on a particularly sore part inside my ear, there was a very very dark brown discharge present on the ear bud. Does anyone know what might be wrong with my ears? I’m sick of not being taken seriously by the doctors I have seen these past few months.