Hi there. I’ve seen various doctors since November 2016 in regard to a ‘severe ear infection’ – as all the doctors have described. I’ve been put on amoxicillin and 3 types of ear drop antibiotics since then. Albeit none of these medications have worked. Some days the pain is so unbearable causing me to hold my ears as tight as I can in an effort to relieve the pain. When the doctors have had a look in my ear, they all have said that my ear canal is very inflamed and swollen – as well as my ear drum. I now feel that the pain is travelling to my jaw and all around my ear – both inside and outside. I cleaned my ears this evening with an ear bud, and when I pressed on a particularly sore part inside my ear, there was a very very dark brown discharge present on the ear bud. Does anyone know what might be wrong with my ears? I’m sick of not being taken seriously by the doctors I have seen these past few months.

Mostly the drum have been opened
Its more imp to use ibuprofen or paracetamol rather than using antibiotics in ear problems
.u need to consult the ENT specialist , for the perforation , however , also ibuprofen is gonna be v useful
Thanks for the query..
You seems to have ear infection only..
You should consult an Otorhinolaryngologist and get evaluated..
There is a possibility that you might need manual drainage of ears along with placement of pressure equalisation tubes for permanent resolution of infection.
Along with antibiotic ear drops you should also take analgesic ear drops and also a course of oral antibiotics and painkillers..
Hope this helps..
My opinion you ear was blocked by lots of wax and the drops never reached its intended destination, I recommend asking your doctor to clear the way first before proceeding with the antibiotics
Good Luck