My mom recently had an MRI done to check for inner ear issues. Nothing was found…..with that. However, the MRI showed “mild to moderate subcortical vessel disease (SVD)”. What does this mean? I’ve tried to do some reading online. Does this mean she has vascular dementia? Or any kind of dementia? She has symptoms of, mood changes, saying inappropriate things (like just coming across as rude), repeating the same story 2 or 3 times within a 48 hour period, gait changes…smaller stride, urinary incontinence, dizziness like feel all of the time.She’s healthy otherwise no diabetes, she did have a slightly high blood pressure but has been on medication for years. So, does she only have SVD? From the way I read it online, because she has those symptoms, she has the type of dementia that goes with SVD. I can’t get her to a neurologist until late February and I am very worried about her. Please help.
Mom’s age is 76
Medications: None