Today I woke up and my left ear is numb?

Hi, my name is (…). I have this weird problem. About 3 weeks ago I started getting a strange feeling on my left ear. It was like a hair was tickling it or a bug was on it. This was on the outer ear not the inner. Then today I woke up and my left ear is numb, not completely but it’s certainly dulled. The area around my ear has also gone numb. On my face and in my hair. Do you have any idea what it could be? Thanks

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Ayman Darrag
6:58 am

Hi and welcome to question doctors..
The onset and duration of your complain indicates a mild case like either cold or a more moderate case as ear infection …
Lot if disorders can cause this symptom but it needs to be ruled out by correlation with other symptoms and history. ..
If you have any other symptoms or signs please reply so I can help you…