Trying to get pregnant taking taking siphene tablets and folvite

I’m 24 years old & married.trying to get pregnant.i had an ovarian cyst formed by reverse flow of menses blood.3 months before had a laparoscopy.after 1 month rest we tried for pregnancy .taking siphene tablets and folvite.not conceive d but it’s still spotting few days before normal tensed,
How can i get pregnant fast,?.is there chances to reappear this cyst?

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Ahmed Fawzy
5:54 pm

In my opinion spotting 1 week before normal period could be a pregnancy sign or could be siphene side effects

Yes unfortunately cyst can reappear also
endometriosis is possible

I recommend the wait and see option
Your medications are perfect stay on them
If you do not like this option then i recommend intracytoplasmic sperm injection

Good Luck

Ayman Darrag
7:37 pm

You should just stay on your medications ..try scheduling the intercourse the first 3days after period..
Try also cupping therapy ..
Cysts can be reoccurring..
The stress is a cause of spotting also..

8:41 am

severe hormonal changes can occur because of the medicines you have been taking causing the cysts to re-occur.
get a recent ultrasound done to confirm.
a vaginal high resolution scan will be helpful.
destressing with yoga and meditation can help

Masr Fawzy
6:03 am

Clomiphene intake should be guided with follicular US if the growing ovum to make sure that everything is going well and its reaching the right size ready for fertilization ..
Also make your husband do semen analysis to be in the safe side …

You also have another options like IVF and ICSI if you are on hurry that much..

Cyst could reappear .. yes , but no worries