Question: All signs of pregnancy …. but not pregnant ?

I am 26 years of age and I have been taking DIM Plus and Vitex for regulating my period. Throughout my life I have not had a regular periods monthly for it will be every two to three months or more before I receive one. Since I have taken DIM Plus and Vitex I have been having regular periods for the past 6 months for that is how long I have been using the two stated above. My last starting period was July 28th, I was having symptoms of stomach aches, headaches, short breath and strong smells that make me want to vomit, but I did not vomit. I am also sleepy at times. Theses are symptoms of pregnancy, but once I took an in-home pregnancy test it came out negative, I then went to the pregnancy center to re-test and it also came out negative for they wanted me to talk to a doctor. I don’t have health insurance to go to one this month. The nurse told me that it may be the DIM Plus and/or Vitex, but I am confused as to why for they are both natural supplements that helped regulate my period as well as possibly ovulation. I am also taking pre-natal vitamins of Bellybar chewables. I was taking first response gummies, but switched to Bellybar when I finished off first response gummies. I am not sure what is wrong at this point or what is the cause.

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6:20 am

the symptoms that you mentioned can also occur without pregnancy. these are just a few of the many symptoms that occur in first trimester of pregnancy. if urine pregnancy test is coming out negative and if u still have a doubt about having pregnancy,then the best thing to do is get a usg abdomen done to see for the fertilised ovum.

though these tablets are natural health builders, still they can cause these symptoms.