Are weak eyes, dry skin, grey hair and lack of concentration be signs of Alzheimer’s disease?

Sir/Mam I am 25 years old. From last 1 year my eyes got weaken up, my hair got grey and I have issue of severe dry skin from birth in month of cold and I am not able to concentrate on studies, I feel my head heavy, brain fog ,not able to remember things for long time, feel tired always and when I go to bed I am not able to sleep. What could be symptoms of it. Is it due to B-12 deficiency (Because I am veg and I eat less dairy product) or starting of alzheimer .What to do in such situation. Please help


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Ahmed Fawzy
1:42 pm

In my opinion it is not Alzheimer’s , I recommend checking CBC, folio acid, vit B 12 levels and vitamin A&c deficiency , also check your thyroid gland (TSH and T4) , tell me what you find
Vitamin A and C can cause the grey hair and poor vision ,B12 and thyroid can cause the rest
Good Luck

Ayman Darrag
2:50 pm

Inunderstand you concern , for developing grey hair at this age ,this could be heridatiry or due to B 12 deficiency, so i recommend taking hair supplements containing calcium pantothenate and PABA. For the same you may take tablet follihair one daily.
Food rich in proteins (like sprouts, lentils, soy products), vitamin A and B like whole wheat products, green leafy vegetables, carrots, yellow and orange fruits like mangoes, papayas, nuts like sunflower seeds, walnuts, sesame seeds provide minerals like copper which are essential for maintaining hair pigment.

Dr.Honey Arora
9:16 am

Thanks for the query..

Your symptoms are most probably due to nutritional deficiency and not Alzimers..
So better get a thorough clinical examination and investigations like Iron, Folate and Vitamin B 12 levels checked..
For greying of hairs you can be advised latest treatment techniques for grey hairs like Para amino benzoic acid and also Calcium Pentothenate..
-Avoid smoking.
-You can be given nutritional supplements like containing Vitamin B12, copper, zinc etc..
-Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
-Take antioxidant supplements..

Hope this helps..