I need second opinion on Hematology and Bio-Chemistry Report?

Need advice for further check ups to know why few blood test count are high . How we could know the correct reason for the below result
Why rbc , packed cell volume , Mchc above border line . I would like to diagnose further to know why the above things high . He is very tired at times . Also have toe pain yesterday and did uric acid test . It seems to be normal .
Taking tab for uric acid , and gas reflex and for cholesterol. It’s been 4 weeks started all medicine .

Medications:For uric acid , cholesterol and reflex


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

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Ahmed Fawzy
12:52 pm

This can be caused by either heavy smoking, living on high altitudes or simply low levels of vitamin B12, folic acid or vitamin A problems, so I recommend testing your vit B12 levels and folic acid as they can cause tiredness feeling , toes pain can be caused by combination of low B12 + high glucose levels ( that is if your glucose eventually at some point reach 180 or higher)
Good Luck

Ayman Darrag
4:48 pm

Increased pcv and rbc’s can be caused by dehydration and low B12 as well so it is not a cause of concern ,however drink plenty of water and redo your sugar test and CBC ..get B12 and folic acid also done if you need further assurance.

Dr.Honey Arora
9:05 am

High PCV can be due to dehydration and also increase red cell count or RBC can cause increase in PCV count..
You can get your iron, Vitamin B12 and folic acid levels checked and also do an HbA1c levels along with fasting and PP blood glucose levels checked.

Hope you get better soon..
