Question: My mother diagnosed with Invasive ductal carcinoma, now I have mark on breast?

Should i be concered my mother age 57 recently diagnosed with Invasive ductal carcinoma. Mastectomy stage 1 grade 3. I noticed this mark on my Rt breast over a week ago started as a red flat dot then a few days (and got worse). Worried about IBC. However i have never had eczema before. I do recall a period of two days my nipple was sore and crusty yellow for a few days and cleared up however no issues since. Must be a local skin irritation right. this isn’t usual presentation for IBC is it? Probably just my mom hx and location that has me thinking.

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Ayman Darrag
9:40 pm

Is what you describe a lump?mass? has it depth into your breast tissue?
Palpate your arm pit for lymph node rigidity or hardening…
If any of these came with positive reply then you have to see an oncologist for a mammography and other investigations to make sure everything is ok…
If not then it is Likely a dermatological problem so you should see a dermatologist to diagnose the case and give you the suitable topical or cream or even drug..
please feel free to get further information from here if you have any more questions..

10:52 am

i dont think that this is related to ibc or any type of cancer.
it seems to be a local skin condition and u can try using local cream. it will go away.
this is certainly not an usual presentation of ibc and u can get a mammogram done if u are too anxious about it.

if u do not feel any lump in the breast, then u should not worry.