I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at the beginning of last year. A1C was 7.0. I was prescribed Metformin and Lisinopril. Since then, thru diet and exercise, I lost 20 lbs. and reduced my A1C to 5.5 and staying at those levels… without taking ANY of those drugs. My blood pressure is and always has been perfect. I’m 60 yrs. old, 5 ft. 6 in., and 175 lbs. My question is, is there any need to be taking these drugs if I am maintaining normal numbers without?

In my opinion no need for drug use , diabetes can be cured by losing trunk fats (trunk obesity) , you are doing fine ,actually taking the drugs may cause hypoglycemia
Good Luck
You did a great job really and now you should just monitor your weight and avoid increased fat or sugar intake..
Keep exercising as you can even with walking only..
Follow up every 3months with hba1c level.
you need not take these drugs absolutely as you have managed to control the levels in a natural way.
maintain the good work.
And what about your random blood sugar, fasting blood sugar… ?