For the last 2 weeks, my right hand has been kind of tingly and numb, grasping and gripping is almost next to impossible?

Female, age 34, taking Visanne for endometriosis.. I just got finished about 3 weeks ago with treatments on a I.v. Drip for a staph infection from a cyst above my right eyebrow.
For the last 2 weeks, my right hand has been kind of tingly and numb like it’s about to fall asleep, but not quite asleep and it’s very weak. Writing is very difficult, grasping and gripping is almost next to impossible. Then now for the last week or so, I’ve had the same feeling in my left leg…and when I scratch at my left leg, the feeling isn’t like scratching an itch…just more tingly. As well as hot flushes from undery left arm down to my ankle…not hot to the touch, just on the inside. My right leg seems to also be weak, but not numb.

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Ayman Darrag
8:12 pm

Hi and welcome to question
Mostly peripheral neuropathy …
Over the counter NSAids and vitamin b12 are effective in treating your condition..

Ahmed Fawzy
6:37 am

Visanne does not explain your symptoms what was the I.V drip for yor staph infection ?

Nouran Maamdouh
9:58 am

A nerve conduction velocity test will show any abnormality In median or ulnar nerves.
Severe vitamin deficiency is a possible cause take vitamin B .

3:45 pm

its due to peripheral neuritis. take adequate doses of vitamins and minerals.