Had total knee replacements, I am not feeling good, no energy, depressed, no appetite, have lost weight?

Male, 73 years old . Recently had total knee replacements back to back. Knees are fine, but am not feeling good, no energy, depressed, no appetite, have lost weight. When standing, blood pressure falls dramatically. I have passed out several times. Heart dr. Says postulate hypotension and given rx blood pressure med to raise blood pressure.somehow I think he is missing something. I freeze, sick to my stomach, just don’t seem to follow all symptoms of his diagnosis.

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Ahmed Fawzy
5:45 pm

During surgery you may have lost some blood causing electrolyte imbalance , i recommend that you test calcium/phosphorus, magnesium , sodium , potassium, zink levels
I am almost sure this this the main cause
Good Luck

Ayman Darrag
7:04 pm

In my opinion you can be suffering anaemia due to surgery..
Do you have stomach ache?
A CBC test is essential before all..

7:15 am

these are long term post-operative complications of back to back major surgeries.
start on iron,folic acid with calcium and protein supplements.
drink plenty of fruit juices.

Masr Fawzy
8:29 am

U need to do CBC ,

Effortil .. 10 to 15 drops before breakfast on quarter glass of water,
Measuring blood pr 2 times a day, one at morning and the other at night time for 5 days .. to figure out the bl pr fluctuations

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