I injured my leg in car accident, pain when I get up from sitting and after standing?

19, female, no medications, I was in a car accident about 5 months ago, and injured my leg. I didnt have it looked at while I was in the hospital, because I dont have insurance and assumed it would heal over time. The pain happens when i get up from sitting for a while, or bend my leg after standing for a while. The pain is in the back left of my knee, and is really sharp and spreades throughout knee and then fades after walking for a bit. Theres no swelling or anything, so I assume there are no tears and fractures. But the pain is worsening. Since I dont have insurance, is there something a doctor could definitely do?

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Ahmed Fawzy
5:42 pm

Hi You said pain is in back left , is it right or left leg ? You mean by back left outer or inside ? Any way your pain is a meniscal tear , i can guide you through some exercise to do to fix the problem if you answer my questions so that i can know if it is medial or lateral meniscal tear Also try this exercise , stand on your heal with toes directed upwards (ankle dorsi flextion ) with extended knees while leaning forwards for 30 sec and tell me if pain increase or goes away… Read more »

Ayman Darrag
6:59 pm

You are mostly suffering a posterior horn of medial meniscial tear ..it could happen after accidents or direct blunts of knees..
I recommend seeing a physiotherapist or follow a program of strengthening quadriceps and stretching of hamstring muscles ..knee mobilization ..
A knee MRI can prove it..also if your knee gives way or locks can be confirming signs without MRI ..

7:11 am

even if there is no swelling,there are possibilities of internal derangement of the knee (ligament injury )
You should get an MRI of knee to come to a diagnosis.
You are still young and negligence would cause long term damage to the knee in future.
consult a orthopedist.

Masr Fawzy
8:20 am

Unfortunatly dear
You need physiotherapist plus or minus MRI

Try to take anti inflammatory drugs , alphintern, and pain killers like xefo which will help alot

But physical examination in an expert clinic is a must